royal banana

fire banana

stonks banana

hot tub banana

Spaghetti Banana is an identity for a Twitch streamer. The hand-drawn wordmark reflects the streamer's warm, playful, and whacky personality. A loopy, bubble typography was designed with animation in mind.
Spaghetti Banana is an identity for a Twitch streamer. The hand-drawn wordmark reflects the streamer's warm, playful, and whacky personality. A loopy, bubble typography was designed with animation in mind.
Wordmark Development
I received feedback from several twitch-viewers that the two-story g looked too much like a q, so I preserved the connection between the g-descender and the terminal but designed an open tail g.
I received feedback from several twitch-viewers that the two-story g looked too much like a q, so I preserved the connection between the g-descender and the terminal but designed an open tail g.

Early directions
